Afrobeats Hall Of Fame Awards & Induction Ceremony To Honour African Artistry & Musical Contributions
Estilo Da Vida, a ground-breaking Nigerian lifestyle, tourism and hospitality consultancy firm announces the Afrobeats Hall of Fame (ABHF) Awards and Induction Ceremony — the first of its kind in Africa, created to pay homage and honour African achievements in music, showcases the African pride of the entertainment industry to celebrate the historic and cultural significance of African music. Honouring the artistry and the contributions made by those who have played major roles in the dissemination and creation of the art of African music, part of its objectives include inspiring and engaging African people through the power of African music, building a serious level of credibility, respect and acceptance across Africa and the world to celebrate the historic and cultural significance of African music. Devoted to putting African entertainment legends on a pedestal with the help of leading figures in the industry, Chairman of ABHF's Blue Ribbon panel, Kenny Ogungbe, during the Media ...